Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anastas of the White Panther

Passive(Lost Love): Anastas wont let anything stop her from escaping the League and finding her husband. 20% chance to negate a Stun, Slow, Silence, or Root. Cannot trigger more then once every 30 seconds. Increases by 10% at levels 6 and 11.

Q(Blade Rush): Anastas rushes to target location and slashes with her sword. Deals 100/115/130/145/160% Attack Damage. 8 Second Cooldown.

W(Wind Cutter): A swing of her sword sends a magical copy of the sword in a line. Deals 60% Attack Damage + 50% Ability Power in Magic Damage. 7 Second Cooldown

E(Alpha Huntress): Passive: After 5 Seconds in Grass, Anastas stealth's permanetly. Stealth will linger for 2 Seconds after leaving grass. Damage taken extends the Passive time by .3 Seconds.
Active: Anastas will strike a target dealing 125% Attack Damage and Slowing by 25% for 2 seconds. Only usable when stealthed and breaks stealth.

R(Multi-slash): Anastas rushes around the battlefield slashing at enemies in her path. Ana runs in 3/4/5 lines at 3 times her movement speed dealing 50% attack damage to enemies she encounters. Ignores unit collision and walls. Enemies that are hit more then twice are slowed by 25% for 2 seconds.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Zalizane, The Blind Hunter

Passive(Sightless): Being blind, Zalizane's other senses are increased. When out of combat for 5 seconds, Zalizane's movement speed increases by 1% every 3 seconds. Max increase at 10%. When in combat the buff will linger for 2 seconds. After 3 attacks Zal begins to increase his attack speed by 3% every attack. Max stack at 15%. Buff lingers for 2 seconds out of combat.

Q(Sun Glare): Zalizane produces a light from his blade as if the sun was glaring down. Deals 25/45/65/85/105+1AP and Blinds for 2 seconds. 9 second cooldown

W(Sand Slash): Using his blade, Zalizane slashes at an enemy and causes sand to erupt. Deals 110/120/130/140/150% Attack Damage in a cone. 10 second cooldown

E(Quicksand): Causes an area around Zalizane to become quicksand which slows and drags enemies down. Slows by 30% for 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds. 7 second cooldown.

R(Desert Night): Praying to his diety, Zalizane is able to shroud the map in a darkness much like that found in the desert at night.  During the night Zalizane's passive is doubled and he gains an additional 20/40/60 attack power and 15/30/45 ability power. Lasts for 10/12.5/15 seconds. 120/100/80 second cooldown.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Rozo, 10 Sword-Style Master

Passive(Sword Master): For each of Rozo's abilities that are on cooldown his Attack Speed is increased by 10% and Move speed by 5%.

Q(Sword-chucks): Using two swords chained together, Rozo is able to pin targets to the ground. Throws to target location stunning the first enemy it hits. Deals 40/45/50/55/60% Attack Damage and roots for .5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds. 9 second Cooldown

W(Throwing Swords): Quickly throws two of his smaller swords to the two nearest targets. Deals either 120% Attack Damage to a single target or 60% Attack Damage to two. This applies on hit effects. 6 second cooldown.

E(Spinning Slash): Sheathes his Attacking Swords and takes out his two long swords and spins 2/3/4/5/6 times while moving every 1.5 seconds. Each spin deals 50/55/65/70/75% Attack Damage to an area around Rozo. 12/12/10/10/8 second cooldown.

R(Lion and Dragon): Rozo throws 8 of his swords in a circle at target area an unleashes his most powerful swords: The Tiger and The Dragon. So long as Rozo is within the circle each of his attacks deal an additional 30% Attack Damage. Circle lasts for 7/9/11 seconds. Abilities used while in the Circle will also deal 10% Attack Damage in a line from where they are in the Circle to the target. 100/80/60 second cooldown.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lucien, The Demon Warrior

Rage of the Red Hare(Innate): Lucian gains 5 Fury per attack. Having 50 or more Fury empowers his abilities with bonus effects but drains 50 Fury when they are used. Out of combat, he loses 5 Fury every 2 seconds.

When Lucian is below 50% Health, Fury gains are increased by 50%.

Demon Bane(Q): Lucien swigs his halberd in front of him dealing 75/110/145/180/215+.7AD.
12 second cooldown.

Fury: Lucien will preform an additional 360 swing dealing an additional 75% Attack Damage and Slowing those hit by 25% for 2 seconds.

Sky Scorcher(E): Lucien hefts his weapon at the end and thrusts it toward an enemy champion. Deals 150% attack power to target and apply on-hit effects. Slows target by 20% for 2 seconds. 15 second cooldown.

Fury: Lucian will strike the same target up to 3 times for 45% Attack Damage each.
Additionally, each time this ability strikes it counts as an attack.

Mightiest Man Alive(E): Believing himself to be the Mightiest Man Alive, Lucien spouts an insult at his enemies. Taunts a ring around Lucien with a minimum range of 350 and a max of 700. Lasts for 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds. 15 second cooldown. Additionally, for every Champion taunted, Lucian gains 10 Armor and 8 Magic Resist.

Fury: Lucien's taunt also frightens nearby allies into fighting harder as to not incur his wrath. Allies gain 25 Attack Damage, 10% Move speed and 15% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.

Maelstrom(R): Lucian releases his inner-most rage to empower him. Increases Attack Speed by 25%, Move speed by 20% and causes every other attack to deal additional Physical Damage to enemies near Lucien for 15% of Lucian's current health. Also gains 5 Fury every second. Lasts 9 seconds. 130 second Cooldown

Quote: "The only man I have met that would pose a challenge to me was in a mirror."
Inspirational Music: